
hi hi hi! as of 2024 i've started getting into birdwatching and fallen in love. iam by no means a twitcher, but it's been nice to keep a little tally of which birds i've been lucky enough to spot. i usually engage with birds fairly passively/incidentally, and plan to stay fairly local to where i am - but hopefully i'll be able to make it out to some more regional spots. join me on my little big year!

bird date spotted notes
Fairy/Little Penguin 10-01-25 waited an hour by a crowded fence for one (1) little guy to show up. just lovely
Royal Spoonbill 02-01-25 spotted in some wetlands on an evening walk. funny hair :P some type of sandpiper flew into the bushes nearby, unfortunately didn't have my binoculars to identify!
Buff-Banded Rail 14-12-24 spotted escorting its babies across the wetlands! started yelling at me so gave them some space :P
Black Kite 08-12-24 fire-hawk!!!!! I think it was an episode of the Weekend Birder that said to pay attention to the wing+tail silhouette to identify birds of prey in flight. very useful! always a treat to see a bird of prey
White-Necked Heron 07-12-24 post hike pub feed, off in the field
Golden Whistler 07-12-24 its neck expanding while it sung helped so much with the ID! felt a bit weird holding binoculars by toilets
Grey Currawong 07-12-24 sitting atop the trail map before we climbed a mountain 😵 maybe a warning. so happy to spot this'n :)
Varied Sittella 06-12-24 up in the mountains with Katie ! this one briefly stopped into the campsite after dinner
Common Bronzewing 14-11-24 spotted on the path near the end of a 36km bike ride! a good omen. poor thing didn't make much an effort to jump out the way of our bikes
Straw-Necked Ibis 14-11-24 ""
a whole mess of these and Aus White Ibis were chilling on a golf course
Rufous Bristlebird 09-09-24 such a cool tail???? somewhere between a fantail and a blackbird. these guys are very cheeky and acrobatic, first spotted in a few different instances 10m away, running into the bushes like a korok from breath of the wild. lol
Great Egret 09-09-24 insane size. got a little spot of it over an estuary and it dissapeared the next time i looked. cryptid behaviour
Gray Shrikethrush 09-09-24 a little baby was yelling at me in the grass. very vocal, let me take a couple photos. lucky it was a little one - probably very hard to ID if not for their rufous eyebrow patch
Great Cormorant 08-09-24 soaring a massive distance over the sea phwoarrrr
Singing Honeyeater 08-09-24 it's fun going to a new place - "oh is that a new bird?" yeah it's a new bird
Chinese Goose 03-09-24 (spotted on a farm, domesticated)
Muscovy Duck 03-09-24 (spotted on a farm)
Australasian Darter 30-08-24 spotted on the bike ride home. I thought this was a cormorant of some type!! Shared a moment with some strangers ogling from the side of the path :-)
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo 25-08-24 spotted on a beautiful bike ride with Ash n Katie, just as it started to rain
Swamp Harrier 17-08-24 was circling around all the ducks i saw today, they all bunched up and got very spooked when it got close. didn't end up doing any dives. such a big bird!!
Australasian Shoveler 17-08-24 many ducks today
Blue-billed Duck 17-08-24 mate. you can't just dip your bill in wizzfizz you look ridiculous
Pink-eared Duck 17-08-24 i enjoy how small the pink ear is (spotted from very far away)
Restless Flycatcher 11-08-24 chillin on the fence
Red Rumped Parrot 11-08-24 so bright so small... wasn't sure on the ID (thought maybe a Mulga Parrot) so I'm lucky they let me take some photos! :-)
Varied Lorikeet 05-08-24 pretty birddddd (spotted by the Yarra!)
Red-Browed Finch 01-08-24 did not expect to see any new birds today. they were all so colourful!! appreciating very much how birdwatching feels like finding pokemon. love a finch
New Holland Honeyeater 01-08-24 o.o
Musk Lorikeet 01-08-24 so pretty!! nothing better than birdwatching at sunset. spotted just outside the park we were walking towards
Welcome Swallow 22-07-24 i love how you can always tell it's a swallow no matter how far away. very distinct movemence
Osprey 13-07-24 to Toronto!
Double-Crested Cormorant 12-07-24 spotted on the most beautiful walk in the world. massive number of them on a pair of islands alongside some gulls
Northern Cardinal 12-07-24
American Robin 12-07-24
Canada Goose 12-07-24 the way i haunkkk (rolling into Ottawa!)
Turkey Vulture 12-07-24
Black Capped Chickadee 11-07-24 on Mont-Royal! thank you alice, for help with so many id's !! ❤️
Chipping Sparrow 11-07-24 also on Mont-Royal :3
Red Wing Blackbird 08-07-24
Common Grackle 08-07-24 what a feathers what a name
American Crow 07-07-24
Ring-Billed Gull 04-07-24
Mallard 04-07-24 you know how I said I probably wouldn't stray too far from my local area. lol
Chestnut Teal 20-06-24
Eastern Rosella 20-06-24
King Parrot 20-06-24 lovely day walking around w/ jimi!
Peacock 20-06-24 still unsure if i should be logging not-wild birds :P saw one jump onto a roof!
Willie Wagtail 10-06-24 my wifeee (saw outside of a car window. not shaking ass unfortunately)
Little Corella 09-06-24 i didn't see any up super close but i saw about 200 corellas in the span of four days i'm sure one of them was a little corella (and not long-billed)!
Spotted Pardalote 09-06-24 so small and funny
Australian Raven 08-06-24 grauuhhhhhaha rahuuuuuraaaaaaagh
Flame Robin 07-06-24 got lured into the forest by pretty pink birds, i think the forest was trying take my soul or something
Wedge-Tailed Eagle 07-06-24
Silver Gull 12-05-24 I've seen a million of these guys but forgotten to log them!! Saw some today at the beach :3
Pied Butcherbird 14-04-24
Laughing Kookaburra 10-04-24 was secretly hoping to see kookaburras the whole hike and just on the walk back to the train station, i spotted three!
Superb Lyrebird 10-04-24 i feel so lucky being having spotted a lyrebird. how absolutely gorgeous. saw this guy digging up worms by the path and stood by on the other side for a few minutes. it didn't seem to mind.
Eastern Yellow Robin 10-04-24 i love how these guys latch to trees - their grey backs blends in with bark.
Crimson Rosella 10-04-24 went on a big hike today! these rosella's calls had a sound similar to a bell miners', i don't know if it's mimicry or just coincidence.
Australian White Ibis 17-03-24 i cannot believe it has took me this long my bin-wading friend
Yellow-Billed Spoonbill 17-03-24 watching these birds look for food is incredible. also their name is stupid sorry
Pied Stilt 17-03-24 absolutely perfect name. these guys walk so good and i cannot believe how cute they are
Australian Pelican 17-03-24 heard an anecdote on a bird podcast once about someone mistaking a pelican for an actual pteradactyl and honestly. do not blame them. absolutely sized and shaped creature. (all of the new birds from today were from a 9 minute allowance into the bird hide, just closing down for the day as i was stopping by inbetween places. so lucky i spotted so many new birds and they were so distinct so i could identify too! shoutout FESWI)
Brown Goshawk 08-03-24 baby's first bird of prey spotted
Stubble Quail 03-03-24 "" thanks for the eggs bud
Chicken 03-03-24 i don't know if these count these were at my cousins' place. i was told they were black orlington chickens. chickens don't have an eBird page funnily enough lol
White-Faced Heron 03-03-24
Common Blackbird 29-02-24
Nankeen Night Heron 29-02-24 on said tour we came to a lake and the tour guide said she'd been told nankeen night herons have been seen around but she's never spotted any personally. on cue, a baby came out from the reeds. so magical
White-Browed Scrubwren 29-02-24 was the only person that showed up for a local bird tour and the very lovely tour guide helped me distinguish some scrubwrens apart from thornbills!
Common Starling 28-02-24 stood starstruck in the middle of the pavement seeing this little fella and got some strange looks from schoolchildren :)
Galah 18-02-24
Long Billed Corella 16-02-24 i regret not taking a photo of these guys. im not 100% on my id (could possibly be little corellas) but i remember a very distinct red plumage, more common with long billed corellas. i'm counting it anyway
Brown Thornbill 11-02-24 little brown birds are so difficult to id. saw one that was polite enough to stick around for a while. thanks friend
Pied Currawong 30-01-24 i'm kinda making up the rules as i go along but i keep hearing currawongs but never seeing them. finally found one! they have my favourite calls.
Little Raven 29-01-24 i want to talk to whoever named these the little raven
Masked Lapwing 29-01-24
Crested Pigeon 29-01-24 sick haircut dude (these guys are also natives)
Black Swan 29-01-24 big
Grey Fantail 29-01-24 >:^
Little Black Cormorant 29-01-24
Australasian Grebe 29-01-24
Emu 29-01-24 went out for a wildlife reserve walk with mum. this was the first bird we saw that wasn't a myna or lorikeet. it was about 10/15 metres away. we heard it before we saw it and afterwards kept our distance
House Sparrow 26-01-24
Eastern Spinebill 25-01-24 honeyeaters are very fun to watch. these are a little braver than wattlebirds i've found. i see honeyeaters like to move very specifically behind foliage to not be seen (this is maybe nothing). i try not to scare them but it's fun to try and spot them in the sidelines of the path
Silvereye 25-01-24
White Plumed Honeyeater 20-01-24 took forever looking online trying to figure out who this guy was from memory
Black Faced Cuckoo-Shrike 20-01-24 saw a mother and its baby. fun fact: these are neither a cuckoo or shrike!
Grey Butcherbird 20-01-24
Superb Fairy Wren 20-01-24 another birding trip. these guys are so fun to watch
Tawny Frogmouth 15-01-24 feel so lucky for this one. went for a rollerskate and forgot to bring shoes to walk uphill home. i decided to try walking up in my skates anyway and had to stop for a break - they were right there in the tree by the bench. about three of them. roughly 4/5pm
Fan-Tail Cuckoo 15-01-24 heard outside of my bedroom window at 3am. their call is. haunting.
Rock Dove 12-01-24 i love how many different pluamges these fellas have
Red Wattlebird 12-01-24 i think these are maybe my "spark bird". i saw one hanging upside-down from a native flower last year on a walk home and i haven't stopped being able to think about it since
Little Wattlebird 12-01-24
Spotted Dove 12-01-24
Magpie-Lark/Peewee/Peewit 12-01-24
Australian Magpie 12-01-24
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 12-01-24 i love these birds they sound awful <3
Pacific Black Duck 12-01-24
Common/Indian Myna 12-01-24
Noisy Miner 12-01-24
Dusky Moorhen 12-01-24
Eurasion Coot 12-01-24 on this first birding journey, i was a little confused trying to figure out if swamphens, eurasian coots and dusky moorhens were the same bird. it was very fun to figure out each of their little distinctions.
Bell Miner 12-01-24 bip bip bip bip bip
Australasian/Purple Swamp Hen 12-01-24 all of the birds dated from today were from my first intentional trip to go birding in a park and make an effort to identify. there'll be a bunch from today
Rainbow Lorikeet ? ""
Australian Wood Duck ? i wrote down i saw one in an undated diary entry early this year. whoops
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