
WriChal 24

i'm doing a writing challenge for this year with a lovely group of folks. wrichal24 is set out with weekly themes and some optional terms of engagement. i'm adapting these to be:

as of writing this i haven't yet been using other people's posts for a jumping off point but i'm looking to do that with future entries. i've previously kept entries in a google doc so that's why things are dated earlier than this post.




Does preventing decay hurt? Beyond a scalpel breaking skin - I wonder what it is that breaks down and calluses into denial. It’s a bad feeling guessing well, how deep the wound is by how much blood comes back on your hand. Ligaments tear, organs fail, organs half-fail. As much as it’s real, it’s unfortunate, accidental maybe, permanent. Petrification is a dream that I don’t want to follow. I hope to mold copper wires in the shapes of my nerves, stitch my cuts with embroidery floss and patch up my veins with pvc tubing. I don’t mind skinning my knees anymore